672 research outputs found

    Guess who? Multilingual approach for the automated generation of author-stylized poetry

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    This paper addresses the problem of stylized text generation in a multilingual setup. A version of a language model based on a long short-term memory (LSTM) artificial neural network with extended phonetic and semantic embeddings is used for stylized poetry generation. The quality of the resulting poems generated by the network is estimated through bilingual evaluation understudy (BLEU), a survey and a new cross-entropy based metric that is suggested for the problems of such type. The experiments show that the proposed model consistently outperforms random sample and vanilla-LSTM baselines, humans also tend to associate machine generated texts with the target author

    Systematic Analysis of Cluster Similarity Indices: How to Validate Validation Measures

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    Many cluster similarity indices are used to evaluate clustering algorithms, and choosing the best one for a particular task remains an open problem. We demonstrate that this problem is crucial: there are many disagreements among the indices, these disagreements do affect which algorithms are preferred in applications, and this can lead to degraded performance in real-world systems. We propose a theoretical framework to tackle this problem: we develop a list of desirable properties and conduct an extensive theoretical analysis to verify which indices satisfy them. This allows for making an informed choice: given a particular application, one can first select properties that are desirable for the task and then identify indices satisfying these. Our work unifies and considerably extends existing attempts at analyzing cluster similarity indices: we introduce new properties, formalize existing ones, and mathematically prove or disprove each property for an extensive list of validation indices. This broader and more rigorous approach leads to recommendations that considerably differ from how validation indices are currently being chosen by practitioners. Some of the most popular indices are even shown to be dominated by previously overlooked ones

    Использование нетворкинга при подборе персонала: рекомендательный рекрутмент и реферальные программы

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    This article discusses various reasons of networking principles implementation in HRmanagement and the Russian companies attitude to referral programs as an instrument in HR. The paper also examines the differences between Russian and foreign companies experiences in referral recruitment.Este artículo analiza varias razones de la implementación de principios de redes en la gestión de recursos humanos y la actitud de las empresas rusas hacia los programas de referencia como un instrumento en recursos humanos. El documento también examina las diferencias entre las experiencias de empresas rusas y extranjeras en el reclutamiento de referencias.Este artigo analisa as vantagens da implementação dos princípios do social networking na gestão de recursos humanos e a atitude das empresas russas em relação aos programas de referência como uma ferramenta para a contratação de pessoal. O documento também examina as diferenças entre as experiências de empresas russas e estrangeiras em contratar através de referências.В статье рассматриваются причины имплементации принципов нетворкинга в современный HR-менеджмент и отношение российских работодателей к практике рекомендательного рекрутмента и реферальным программам как инструментам подбора персонала. Также сравнивается опыт российских и зарубежных компаний по найму специалистов через рекомендации сотрудников

    Сравнительный анализ Y[2]O[3] и ZrO[2], синтезированных из водных нитратных растворов и водно-органических нитратных растворов

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    В статье представлены результаты по плазмохимическому синтезу порошков Y[2]O[3] и ZrO[2] из водно-органических нитратных растворов. Произведено сравнение полученных данных с аналогичными данными, полученными в случае использования водных нитратных растворов. Показано, что порошки, синтезированные из водных нитратных растворов и водно-органических нитратных растворов, имеют близкие характеристики. Главное отличие состоит в фазовом составе порошков. Доказано, что добавление органического компонента резко повышает выход по порошку и снижает удельные энергозатраты на процесс синтеза, что делает его энергоэффективным